Waarom wijnboeken nog altijd recht van bestaan hebben… - Perswijn
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Waarom wijnboeken nog altijd recht van bestaan hebben…

…the always largely unprofitable business of wine writing has seen so many magazines and books disappear in recent years that one fears for the future of wine journalism in print.
Wine writing online, which has more or less killed print journalism, is the culprit. The overall standard of wine blogging, though, is wretched and there must always be a place for well-informed professionals.

… en waarom patjepeeërs niet deugen

There is a wonderful anecdote about Asimov meeting Aubert de Villaine at a dinner of “bacchanalian chaos” in New York. “Do you enjoy this?” M de Villaine asked Asimov. The story asserts de Villaine as the quiet man at the helm of one of the world’s greatest wine estate but is also a putdown of the big swinging dicks who go to these kind of things to show off their wine collection and get completely drunk. That is not what fine wine is about.

Bespreking door Stuart George op de site van Meininger’s Wine Business International van ‘How to Love Wine’ door Eric Asimov. Eric Asimov schrijft over wijn in de New York Times.


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