Wijnjournalist Mike Bennie over Sydney - Perswijn

Wijnjournalist Mike Bennie over Sydney

When Mike Bennie isn’t wandering vineyards on the four corners of the globe, he is a respected and high profile freelance wine and drinks writer, journalist and presenter. A lot of his work appears in the highly regarded publication Australian Gourmet Traveller Wine Magazine, he is wine/drinks editor for delicious. magazine, and he is Editor-At-Large and contributor/writer to Australia’s most interactive wine commentary website, WineFront.com.au. His work is also regularly found in Voyeur Virgin Airlines Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald Good Food section, Decanter UK, Men’s Style magazine, Wine Business Magazine and various other publications.

Mike is an active wine judge in Australia and overseas, and a graduate of the prestigious Len Evans Tutorial. He is proudly a co-founder and co-director of the artisan and sustainability-focused Rootstock Sydney food and wine festival. He is prolific with his wine and drinks work, is a regular presenter at corporate and industry events, and between travels to exotic vineyards around the world, enjoys long walks on the beach with a bottle of wine (or sour beer) in his hand.


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