Parker spreekt - Perswijn
Andermans woorden

Parker spreekt

Q. What is the single biggest impact you believe you have made on the wine industry and on Bordeaux in particular?
Q. What is the single biggest impact you believe you have made on the wine industry and on Bordeaux in particular?

A. Honesty, independence, a democratic point of view, and an elitist free attitude.

Q. How do you feel your retirement from tasting Bordeaux might impact prices?

A. I think there will be little, if any impact.

Q. How do you see the role of the wine critic evolving in the future?

A. Today there is (sic!) two schools of wine writing/criticism – 1) The paid professional is usually independent and well-trained and 2) the bloggers who offer their opinions for free, and for the most part lack seriousness and professionalism.

Q. Have you accomplished what you set out to do or do you still have challenges before you? Any regrets?

A. I have had a very gratifying an satisfying career. I have no regrets other than too many people pay too much attention to what I do.

Interview met Robert Parker op


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