South-African Wine Competition 2011 - Perswijn
Achtergrond & Interviews

South-African Wine Competition 2011

Perswijn Winemagazine presents, in association with Wines of South Africa (WOSA): the first edition of the South African wine competition. We will select those South-African wines best tuned to the Dutch market. The wine competition is open to all South-African wines sold in The Netherlands for a retail price above € 3.75 (for still white, rosé and red wines) and above € 5.75 (for aperitif- and sparkling wines).
Selection will be made through blind tastings by a panel of respected and independent Dutch wine experts. Also wines from wineries that are not yet on the Dutch market can participate.


1. To position South-Africa as a high quality wine country, where the wines have strong identities and terroir expression.

2. To give the Dutch consumers the opportunity to get acquainted with a large number of South-African wines, selected by Dutch recognized wine experts. With emphasis on regional diversity, high quality and a good price/quality ratio.

3. To expand the supply of South-African quality-wines on the Dutch market


Following the success of the Spanish Wine Competition in 2010, Perswijn has decided to organize a South-African equivalent, in cooperation with WOSA. Perswijn is accountable for the overall organization of the registration and the acceptance and administration of the test bottles. In addition, Perswijn will form the jury and organize the test sessions. Concluding the competition, Perswijn will, in addition to composing and publishing the list of best wines, publish a Magazine-special devoted to the wine competition in the form of a mini-guide.


Participation can be an initiative of the producer, importer or both together.

In this activity may thus participate:

– Dutch Wine Importers with their South-African wines.

– South-African wineries, with wines that are available on the Dutch market

– Wines of South-African wineries who seek distribution on the Dutch market.


1. Best red wine < € 7.50      2. Best red wine > € 7.50 < €15   3. Best red wine > € 15    

4. Best white wine <€ 7.50   5. Best white wine > € 7.50 <€ 15  6. Best white wine > € 15  

7. Best rosé wine < €7,50    8. Best rosé wine > €7,50

9. Best sparkling wine

10. Best fortified wine

11. Best sweet wine / dessert wine

12. Best red wine without representation

13. Best white wine without representation

14. Best price/quality-ratio

The organization may decide for different or fewer categories depending on the submitted wines.



Ronald de Groot, editor of Perswijn and respected wine expert, is the chairman of the jury and is responsible for the composition of the tasting committee, which will consist of ± 12 wine experts, such as wine writers, viticulturists, sommeliers, wine educators, wine buyers, etc.  Also, one or two well-known designers are invited to select the South African wine with the best label.

Time schedule:

April 1st 2011:    Enrollment deadline

April 25th 2011:  Deadline reception test bottles, wine-data and payment.

May/June 2011:  Tasting

August 2011:    Publication of “South-Africa’s finest wines” in Perswijn 5

September 2011:  Publication of a mini-guide on the wine competition

For more information about this wine competition or applicationforms, please contact Anne van Melick of Wijnpers Media and Events (Perswijn), via email


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