Gevolg van gedoogbeleid - Perswijn
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Gevolg van gedoogbeleid

Harvest Wars: Vineyards losing labor to marijuana growers, who promise easier work for better pay […] California’s marijuana and grape growers are at odds over more than water. They also are vying for the same labor pool at harvest time. 

Druiven -en Marihuana telers hebben op het zelfde moment arbeiders nodig
Travis Foote, general manager of Vineyard Logistics, said his Mendocino County vineyard-management company started this year’s harvest in mid-August with 22 pickers. Less than six weeks later, he was down to eight. “The marijuana pay is much better, and the work is much easier,”   Wines & Vines over de schaarste aan plukkers voor pinot noir in het Californische Anderson Valley. Marihuana oogsten betaalt beter

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